A nice jewelry box. It could use a little sprucing up. We'll see what happens. I originally thought I might give it to E. But selfishness took over. I really do need a place to hang my necklaces.
I like the etching on the glass and the nice metal handles.
This center section for the earrings and rings actually pulls out.
At a different thrift store, I found one of our plates! For $2.00. They are from the 50's or so and I originally put the set together off Ebay. That was when they were reasonable. Around here, one more dinner plate is a good thing!
If you think E wants or needs a jewelry box, I have 2 I could donate. One is flat with lots of little division and the other kinda is like this one only a bit younger. Let me know, it doesn't have to be for a birthday or Christmas...
Thank you for stopping by my blog spot and comment so nicely on my quilts....
Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting on the Homemade Stockings. I appreciate it! Also, great finds at the thrift stores! That is awesome!!
I didn't think I could reply through email so I came in.
You should link this one up with my Frugal Friday link up.
Anyway...I built a squidoo lens on the toothbrush rugs as I made one if you would interested in checking it out.
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