1. Thank You for all the kind comments about my two latest quilts. I was quite happy with how they turned out. One person asked if I had followed a pattern for the Mermaid. I did not. I found some images that I liked and drew it from there. Some of the ladies in the guild said her profile resembled my daughter's. Perhaps, but not intentionally.
2. Wow, 107 followers. I think I was stuck at 100 for ever. Anyway, I've been doing some cleaning out lately, so I'll have some giveaways coming up.
3. A very sweet follower, Amy, from A Home, Made passed on the Leibster award. I truly appreciate the sentiment! Go check out her blog. Great ideas and tutorials. I am one of her newest followers!
4. Is there anything you'd like to see on the blog or questions you'd like to ask? More pictures/less pictures/learn how to use a camera please!? More words/less words? I always sound so much more clever in my head, but when I type it out - not so much. More tutorials? Let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can do.
5. Finally - I know you're all thinking Christmas presents, so I want to give my Dad a plug. He is a wood turner by hobby and makes some really great things. Pens, birdhouses, bowls, and more. You can find him here on Etsy and on his own website Opa's Pens (he has a blog, too.)
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