You might remember Aragorn, from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Here's our version. Let me say that this costume is sort of considered a work in progress. For instance, Mr. Riley does not own chain mail. He would like the full length leather duster, and dark green Elven cloak, but for late summer, neither was practical. So this is how he went. In these pictures the only thing I didn't make or modify were the belts. Oh, and the sword :)
Scary, I know.
Let's start with the shirt and pants, shall we?
The shirt is Butterick 4486. View A. Size large. These patterns end up to be quite roomy! It is linen. Originally cream. I was informed that 'Rangers don't wear cream'. I tried tea-dying it, but ended up dying it a second time with a box of Rit Brown Dye.
The placket was a bear to figure out how to get it attached, but now that it's done it looks pretty good. Leather lacing to close it.
The pants are black linen made from a pajama pants pattern. Mr. Riley wants dark green pants - and really, really doesn't want elastic waist. I will have to get a more 'historically accurate' pattern for pants.
Since I don't want this post to be the longest ever, we will save the leather vest and accessories for another day.
This looks great. I think the AARGH picture is the best, too. While your ranger may not like the elastic waist pants, is he aware there were no zippers then? Buttons, maybe? You probably know better than I.
Fabulous outfit. Really amazing.
Elizabeth E.
I know this is a very old post, however do you remember how you sewed the placket? I have spent hours and hours today trying to figure it out! Any tips would help.
Thank you!
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