Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Irish Week - Tablecloths

Alright, today's post is real deep.  Tablecloths.

  • Measure Table
  • Go to fabric store
  • Buy fabric long enough and wide enough to cover table
  • Iron Fabric
  • Put on table

Now, you may want to finish the ends.  I turned mine over twice and stitched.  I didn't even bother to trim off the selvage.  You could just seal them with fray check if you don't sew.  Or you could do a fancy rolled hem if you have a Serger. and use it. and understand it.  (mine sits in a box)

The End

*Today is the last day to enter the CSN giveaway!


Mindy said...

I really like the shamrock-circle fabric! That's really fun.

Anne Maskell said...

What great fabric! The lighter one would make cute little dresses. My fav is the darker one. It makes a lovely table cloth.