Thursday, April 10, 2014

Really Random Thursday

 A bit of randomness today:

 Spring has finally sprung! We spent Sunday afternoon cleaning up gardens and the yard and having a big fire.  So nice to be outside as a family!
 The first batch of fabrics for the 100 Blessings quilt have come in.
 WD gave a presentation about Joseph and needed a coat of many colors.  This was offered by a friend to be used.  WD declined.  However, I think this coat is great.  All patches of polyester double knit.
 Not sure I'd really wear it out in public, though....
 And lastly, I'm on a steering committee to work on the future of quilt shows in our guild.  Are you in a guild? What is the makeup of your guild? Do you do a quilt show?  Do you make any money?  Do you have enough volunteers?  Do you attend local quilt shows?  Thoughts and comments on your experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Linking up with Cindy where you can see other Randomeers.


Live a Colorful Life said...

We are having a span of 90-degree days here in central California. Ugh--it's too EARLY!! Interesting Joseph's Coat--my grandmother made a huge quilt out of all the polyester scraps she had from the '70s. It is so heavy. I'm glad I have it but I wouldn't want to sleep under it.

I just joined as an independent member of the Modern Quilt Guild--I don't belong to a local guild. I don't think I'm much of a "joiner."

OPQuilt said...

Love that coat! We were talking about Joseph in Sunday School last week (we are studying the Old Testament) and all I could think about was the song from the Broadway Show about Joseph's coat of many colors.