Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bracelet Tutorial

I made these for Mr. Riley's sister-in-law for Christmas this year.

I'll show you how I did the bracelets - if you promise not to laugh.  I hadn't entered the world of jewelry making before this, so for all I know I did it wrong.

You will need elastic beading thread.  Crimp beads. Needle nose pliers.  Beads of your choice.  The black/silver ones are from a kit from Micheals, the glass 'pearls' are from Hobby Lobby.

Cut your beading elastic to the length you want - remembering to leave extra to tie-off and finish the ends.  I found it helpful to tape down one end to the table so the beads didn't slide off.
 Start with a crimp bead and add other beads as desired.  End with another crimp bead.
Bring your two ends together and tie a knot.
Slide one end of each tie back through a crimp bead and pull tight.

 Squeeze your crimp beads with the needle nose pliers and trim the extra elastic.  Voila - an easy and fast bracelet.

Now if you choose, you can tie your bracelets together with a scrap of fabric or ribbon.  Check out these other bracelet sets I also made as gifts.

Come back tomorrow for 5 Minute Earrings.
Get Your Craft On Tuesday


Katie @ EyeSpyDIY said...

Very cute! Love the bracelet!

- said...

All looks just wonderful to me!

Stef said...

Wow these are fantastic! Love them all!

glor said...

They are beautiful!

Susannah said...

These are beautiful! I love to bead and make my own jewelry, but don't do it very often anymore. This is such motivation!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Lisa said...

Your bracelets are so pretty! They seem so easy to make, I may have to make some for myself and my oldest daughter! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Jen said...

I love these. They are so simple too! Thanks for sharing how to make them, I think I will have to give this a try.

I would love it if you would come and link up to my Fantastic Friday link party at http://ironvioletdesigns.blogspot.com


Heather said...

I've been wanting to make a bracelet, but I had no idea how to. Thanks for coming to my rescue! I'm visiting from Frou Frou Decor!

Anne said...

Gorgeous! I especially LOVE the middle one with the creamy colors.

Becca said...

Wow, these are great! Such beautiful colors. My daughter has been trying to make little bracelets for friends and I didn't know about the crimp beads. That was a very helpful tip! Thanks for sharing. And I'm sure your sil loved it!

Jen said...

Thanks so much for coming and linking this up to Fantastic Friday. I just got all the stuff to make me a bracelet, now I just need to do it! Be sure to come back this week and share your latest creations with everyone!

Shiv Kripa Rudraksha Kendra said...

This blog gives us more insights and inspiration towards knowing about rudraksha bracelet. It is useful for the people who want to know about it.