Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sewing for Mini: Shorts

I've put quilting aside for a time to sew up some clothing and hopefully a few other projects before we leave for our family vacation at the end of the month.

A couple of weeks ago we had a nice day time high in the 70s and I realized that poor Mini had no shorts.

The last few days have taken care of that problem.

 I simply raided my stash, found some cute cotton prints and sewed up some shorts.
 It doesn't take much fabric for a two year old - even though I have to sew up size 4!
 This is one of those great projects that really only cost time.  I already had all the fabric, elastic, and even buttons.
 I don't remember where I got the Care Bear fabric -  maybe my grandmother?  I'm glad to have found a use for it.  I didn't have enough fabric for facing, so I just used a muslin. 

So far its been too cold again to wear any of these, but they are saying 80 on Friday.

BTW Happy Star Wars Day
May the Fourth be with you!

1 comment:

Judy H said...

That's what I'm getting ready to the stash for some pieces of fabric for some quick shorts and tops for my 3 year old grand daughter.