Color and Music.
May I present: Violin Study
I once read a book about Synesthesia, by Oliver Sacks - Seeing colors related to things like numbers, sounds, and yes, music. I've never experienced it, but I do have a very talented pianist friend who does. She sees colors related to key signatures. I thought of that a lot while thinking of ideas for this project.
A violin is quite appropriate to the family, #1, #2 and #4 all can play the violin. #2 has since switched to the viola (and also plays piano). #3 plays the cello and #5 will more than likely play the violin. Yep, our goal is the string quartet with accompanist.
It didn't take me long to figure out what I wanted to do. This quilt is made of selvages and "quilted as you go". I had originally thought just the silhouette, but came across a split silhouette and knew it was perfect. After all, white light is made of all the colors, and I thought this was a striking way to present the idea.
Fortunately for this year, we have rather abandoned the size restrictions, I just didn't think I could do what I wanted on a much smaller scale. This quilt is about 38" x 54".
The very perfect backing fabric from IKEA - with a bit of fanciful music.
Selvages are fun to work with - some Hello Kitties peeking at us.
And those windmills! I did have to do some deliberate cutting so I could have enough selvages!
The edges are covered by (purchased!) bias binding.
*Due to the immense amount of interest in this quilt, I have a pattern for how to make it in my Etsy shop*
Please take the time to check out the other quilts in our group, that's what I'll be doing (after church).

Love the idea of the binding to cover the edges. Clever you!
I am really quite envious of this quilt - it's beautiful and so clever!
This is amazing--I am just blown away by the colors, the shape, and your idea! I love your interpretation of the music/color theme and love that it is so personal to your family and the music that comes from so many instruments (I applaud your goal for a string quartet!). I hope that this quilt will hang in a place of honor--perhaps reminding them that their mother loved their music so much she made them a quilt!
So terrific!
Spectacular. The binding is great, whether purchased or not. And the use of the selvages. My color lesson for today: you reminded me that white is all the colors!
Love this Rachel! So effective and colourful too with the white silhouette setting everything off! I was wondering if you'd appliquéd the silhouette, I've never seen the raw edges covered with binding before- that makes it so neat!
I'm wondering about quilt as you go -whether you appliquéd after?
This is amazing! The split silhouette is such a clever design idea and the selvedges against the white give a stunning effect. I love everything about it :)
I really love this quilt. I began college as a music major---really a touch major and I didn't want to teach nor was I quite good enough to perform. So I abandoned the college major. But music plays such a huge role in my life that I really can't imagine my life without music in it. I always always wanted to play the violin. My mother was a piano teacher and that's what I ended up playing, but to this day I regret not learning a string instrument. So I live vicariously through my grandchildren--#1 plays viola and #2 plays violin. I'm quite happy about that. :)
I LOVE it Rachel!!!! I don't see color with sound but I find the entire concept amazing!!!
I LOVE it Rachel!!!! I don't see color with sound but I find the entire concept amazing!!!
beauuuutiful! simple, effective, fun and colourful.
This is the coolest thing ever - I just fell in love with it at first glance (and sorry I haven't commented here, but think I did on the Four-in-Art blog). The white side makes the rest just pop - quite brilliant!
I am fascinated with this quilt, and I want to do a split silhouette myself, but I haven't been able to get my head around the process, and google has no clue what I'm talking about, lol. Would you mind pointing me to a source that can explain the process? Thank you so much!
Wow, just beautiful! Would you happen to have written out your details, I would love to try one like this but just need a little help with your cutting and piecing plan.
As another violinist, I fell in love with this quilt when I saw it. Do you have a pattern for it available?
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