I'm working diligently on my #igminiswap. I've got my diamond pattern figured out. The blue was the last test one. All good as far as the pattern goes. I would re-do the too light blue if it was a real block, and one point isn't quite matched up, but I'm ready to move ahead in the real fabrics.
Here's a look at the 'real' fabric. This will be the center of the quilt. I did this part EPP.
This is just a quick panel I'm putting together.
And of course, the ongoing WIP, my temperature quilt. Done through September. This picture is right to left, Jan to Sept.
By the way, I'm much more consistent on the daily goings on around here on Instagram. You can find me there rachel_thelifeofriley.
Perhaps I should mention that I made a fabric pledge.
No new quilting fabric for the next 6 months. Exclusions are yardage for background and backing. (probably don't need those, either). Its pretty freeing to delete all my email ads and throw all catalogs away as soon as they come in.
Linking with Lee @ Freshly Pieced

I came for the EPP Star, which is lovely, but that temperature quilt is amazing! is it actually based on temperature data from day to day? Whatever you did, it makes for a pretty neat composition. I'd be curios to know what your color rules are.
I really like your quilt for the challenge. I hope you will put it in a pattern/tutorial. I am also making a pledge not to buy fabric for 6 months. Of course, the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival is in February and that is my downfall. I have more fabric than two people could use.
I am really loving those diamonds!
Hope the husband's back is healing nicely--it is a different tempo when another grownup is in the house, isn't it?
Loving the diamond "blocks" for the quilt. Can't wait to see it. I didn't have a fabric pledge but did put a halt to some buying for a while. And now, I have a full shopping cart at one of the online stores, and picked up a few things when I visiting my daughter last week. (It's a constant battle!) Admire your resistance.
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