Anywho. A couple of days ago I had an idea that I just had to try.
I grabbed some fossil fern in a rainbow selection, did some quick glue basting and English Paper piecing and put together what I thought was going to be an awesome pin cushion.
It didn't turn out quite as awesome as I had hoped. For one thing, actually the major thing, its huge!
6 inches across!
Look at that sad little pin in there! Oh, and when I appliqued the hexies, they shifted, so they are not quite centered. Sigh. I had honestly hoped to give this as a gift, but it is not quite up to my gifting standards. Kinda looks like a weird soccer ball.
The bottom.
I filled it with a combination of walnut shells and fiber fill.
I may use it to keep track of my machine needles. Write on each hexie a type of needle and then I can reuse them and not forget what they are... It would probably make a decent pattern weight, as well.
Back to the drawing board.

Could you diminish some of the soccer ball effect and re-center it a little by making stitches from back to front through the center hexagon? You'd end up with a bit of a donut shape that way, but it might make the pincushion a little more low-profile, and not so dauntingly-large looking. Plus, there might be something fun you could do with the center divot, like use big-thread stitches to make it a negative-space hexagon inside your navy one, and then you'd have a fun "well" to set needles, or other small quilting supplies in.
It's so cute! The rainbow colors and brightness make up for its large size. =)
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