One of my kids got this for Valentine's Day last week. I think someone's mom has been on pinterest!
E made a cute little 'Indian' snowman the other day on the sun dial. Alas, he is no more!
I mentioned some stuffed animal surgery on Tuesday. Yesterday I had to reattach an ossicle onto Giraffe-y (those horn-like things)
And lastly, a little fabric random. As I was pulling my fabrics for my class I came upon my teapot fabric pile. It took all my Focus not to just go ahead and start a new quilt. I did go as far as planning in my head. Why is it that I'm always in love with which ever fabric is right in front of me?
Linking with Cindy, as usual.

Very excellent random this week! Thanks for linking up.
I like the way you worded that, because I think I am always in love with which fabric is right in front of me too!
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