Friday, May 10, 2013

Day Dreaming Friday

I am down to the last 20-some inches or so on binding the Fairy Quilt, so of course my thoughts are starting to turn to what I want to do next...

 I had hoped to finish last night, but didn't.
 I did prep my label this morning, so that I can put my sewing machine away for guests this weekend and get it sewn on right away.

So on to the day dreaming...
Our little Four-in-Art group has its next reveal on August 1, and while that may seem like a long way away, I've got a two week trip to FL and a baby to deliver between now and then.  The theme is OWL.

This is what I immediately sketched out.
Those are some pretty small hexies.  1/4" on a side.

So I tried some bigger ones.  1/2" on a side.
I'm rather smitten with the smaller one.  I think its cuter. What do you think?
I've pulled some potential owl fabrics:
Browns for an adult.

 Greys for a juvenile.
 Still definitely in the dreaming stage, but since I'm planning on EPP during the car ride anyway, perhaps I'll make an owl, or two...

Oh, and today is the last day to enter the SMS Giveaway.  5:00 PST (I think that's 7:00 CDT, where I live)


OPQuilt said...

Looking good on the owl front and looking FABULOUS on the princess quilt. You are simply amazing!

I, too, have started looking at owls--this theme is a bit harder for me, for some reason, so I feel I need to start early.


Leanne said...

Hexies make wonderful owls, judging by your sketches. And good to start early, it would be a shame to let a baby get in the way of the project you know. I have to think about it a bit, an improv idea about owls has me a bit stumped, I am thinking instead about whoooo, whoooo.