So what I'm hoping to accomplish (quilt wise) in this quarter:
Scrappy Pink Baby Quilt
A baby quilt for my own New Baby. Yep, I've only ever finished one quilt pre-baby. Maybe I can do it this time around...
Friendship Star Baby quilt
I Will Finish E's Fairy Quilt!
Crayon Challenge
Disappearing 9 patch (there are actually two of these)
Pear Brights

I agonized over what to include on my list, because I felt like--there's no way I can get this stuff done. But I do think it helps me stay focused when some times all I really want to do is read blogs and hang out (like now).
Good-looking list of projects!
I made a Peter Rabbit quilt for my last baby too. He's now four (that went all too fast!) I actually did get it finished before he was born all bar the binding. We didn't find out what I was having and I had decided yellow binding for a baby boy or pink binding for a baby girl. I really did think I was having a girl,so lucky I didn't go with instinct!
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