I worked on the label. I intend to make it a part of the back and so quilted in.
I think now I'm obligated to finish it this month!
The strip on the left is the fabrics and the assigned temperature ranges for the quilt. The two strips on the right are for the two trips we took away from home. The top is our trip to Florida and the bottom to Norther Michigan.
The backing will primarily be this batik that I got at IKEA. $2.00 for 6 yards. Can't beat that! (I bought 18 yards)
I have prepped for the 2015 Temp Quilt. Many of the fabrics are the same. Some have been replaced and some have been reshuffled. I am still using the Fossil Fern line by Bernatex. For those of you that might have seen this on Instagram, I swapped out two of the fabrics since. The purple and pink both stand out to me right now, so they may go, too. Although the chances of 100-104 degrees is pretty low, and maybe it should stand out!
I have for sure decided to go with the half square triangles. Even though it will be smaller than this year's quilt, it will be twice as much work - yikes. I haven't started yet, as I haven't decided a size and therefore haven't done the maths for the triangles.

This is such a great idea!!! I love it! Are you thinking of doing any other real life to design concepts?
Looking good. =)
Holy guacamole that is such a brilliant idea. Looks great.
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