First, the book store. Its been a while since I've browsed around in a book store and a really long time since I've picked up a book on a whim. I know nothing about the book or the author, so I suppose I really am judging this one by the cover. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I picked this one up off the Irish/bargain table. We take St. Pat's day seriously around here. I've already found a couple things I want to try right away.
I also stopped at the fabric store for my next non-quilt sewing. I am planning a dress for E for a Fine Arts competition and Easter. I will have to alter the pattern some. Mainly lowering the hem line. We are still decided about whether to make sleeves on the dress.
After all the shopping, I had some time, so I thought I'd get a car wash. Its been ages. The salt was so thick, I'm not sure you could read the license plate.
And wouldn't you know? It snowed like crazy all the way home!
This afternoon I will be working out some tension issues with my machine. hmph.
I highly recommend checking out the other randomeers at Cindy's blog.

Followed your link from Normas blog! I really like your mini art quilt of the gas building and I too am making hexies while watching the olympics! When I get time I must follow the link for the patchwork olympics (don't you find you just get sucked in to cyberspace looking at blogs - all i need is more hours in the day, and not to work or cook!)
I read the Perfume Collector and really enjoyed it. Isn't the cover cool and elegant? It's nice doing errands child-free. I often volunteer for childcare duty so my DIL can run errands child-free--to get twice as much done in half the amount of time, right!
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