So why do I love my LQS?
1. They know my name.
2. They know my children's names!
3. A great discount since I purchased my sewing machine there.
4. Good thread selection.
5. Great fabric selection.
6. Customer appreciation days where they provide a whole potluck for their customers!
7. Willing to cut anything into a fat quarter.
8. They cut a Full yard!
9. Locally Owned.
10. Always willing to go the extra mile. Case in point: Due to timing of being out of town and expecting, I did not catch that the kit for the Wisconsin fabrics Quilt had to be pre-ordered.
When I asked if there were any available, one of the ladies offered to cut me a kit. She would have done it there and then, but I told her to just let me know when it was ready.
A couple days later I went in to get it and included was this note:
Ruth managed to get me extra inches!
Go out and support your LQS. And if they don't carry what you're looking for, let them know!

You clearly have a great local store. I try to shop locally too but here the local prices are usually double the online price, so it becomes a balance of supporting them or buying more fabric.
My local quilt shop charges $20/meter, their fat quarters are $4.99. I cannot afford them. I have also never seen them have a sale. Oh, and designer fabrics cost more, the price above is no name ones.
I love The Fabric Gallery & Sew and Save for all the reasons you named and a ton more!!! Reading the other comments, I can say we are truly blessed that we live close enough to shop there!
I love the classes and I have not found a staff person that I try to avoid, hahahahaha.
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