These were really fun to do, and easy. I was really happy with the way they turned out. Here's how you can make your own.
You will need:
French Hooks
Jump Rings
Beads Size 6
Small needle nosed pliers
*beads and pliers are on sale this week at Hobby Lobby*
Open up your first jump ring and thread on one bead.
Close it back up.
Repeat, but this time adding the previous jump ring after the bead,
Continue adding jump rings with beads until you have the desired length.
This one is 11 jump rings long. I also alternated the beads, dark and light.
Open up the eye on the french hook.
Hook it onto the middle jump ring, and close. And you're done!
Red Version with silver jump rings.
Black beads with gold rings. Two beads per ring. I'll show you the variation tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!
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Very Nice!!!
Thanks for sharing!
very pretty they remind me of luscious grapes
Wow these are so pretty. Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
Very cute. What size jump rings did you use? Thanks for sharing.
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