
100 Blessings Quilt

You've reached the page for info about the 100 Blessings Quilt for Ethan and Moriah.

In northern China there is a centuries old tradition of creating a "Bai-Jia-Bei" otherwise known as a "100 Good Wishes Quilt" to welcome and celebrate a new life into the family. One hundred family and friends donate a piece of fabric along with a written wish for the child. The wish can be anything: a quote, a poem, a saying, a story, a verse or a simple wish from the heart.

This practice has been adopted by many families who are adopting children from China as a unique and
special way to welcome the child into their family. What we are going to do for Ethan, Moriah and their new little girl is create a quilt with donated fabric and a book filled with the blessings to accompany the quilt. Each page of the book will have the blessing written on it, a piece of the corresponding fabric attached to it, and the names and pictures of the people who donated the fabric and wrote the blessing. This way their daughter will always know which square came from whom, and what blessings and prayers were meant for her with that particular square.

*Edited 9/15/14*
The quilt is finished and gifted!

More details can be found *here*.

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