You can see how it shows up in varying degrees, depending on your fabric.
Sometimes, it doesn't show up at all!
And sometimes, perfectly.
Here's how I go about making a Free Motion Rose.
Starting at the black dot, pull up threads and make a squiggly shape, returning to starting point.
Now start adding 'petals'
Each petal starts on a previous petal, takes a dip in the middle, and ends on a petal.
Keep on going around, and around, adding petals.
Until you fill your space, or are happy with the size.
The best part about quilting things like flowers, is they don't have to all match. Go outside, take a look, each flower is a unique individual. It helps make your quilt unique, as well.
If you try this I'd love to hear about it!
Now I have to decide what to quilt in the cream area.

1 comment:
It is a lovely rose, your quilting looks great. I need to quilt more flowers, thank you for the tutorial.
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