This weekend I worked on my ugly quilt. Which turned into two ugly quilts. I've been fighting a cold for a few days and knew that I didn't want to sew anything that 'mattered'. So I started putting the strips together and this is the result.
Try hard not to cringe. It is destined to be a car/beach quilt. I realize that perception is not good in this picture. It is at least a full size quilt top. I even have the perfect backing for it, however that is out in the barn. And did I mention its below zero? Not gonna happen today.
The pieces that I couldn't fit into the first top, I sewed together into this. Probably destined for a cat or dog bed.
The funny thing about doing these tops is I really feel like I've made something out of nothing. I just took all the strips from my scrap bin (except the 2" ones - saving those for something else), I sorted them roughly by length and started sewing them together. The only 'rule' was to try not to sew two of the same fabric next to each other.
These fabrics really vary in quality and quantity. They go all the way back to my very first quilt. And while I can't say that there is fabric from every quilt I've made in these, its close.
And the best thing? My Scrap Box is about half empty. My next two projects out of it will be to cut squares out of the scraps and then to decide what to do with all the orphan blocks. I think they will get their own post.
Stay warm and have a great Tuesday!

I need to do something like this!
I like this! I make string blocks with my leftovers and also feel that they are free blocks and I enjoy making them so double bonus.
I love this idea! Sometimes there's also something so nice about just sitting and sewing without getting all fussy about it.
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