I did manage to find a couple of fabric stores in Boston. I wouldn't call either a quilt store.
The first one that I stopped in is called Winmill fabrics. While it is located in the China Town district, it is run by a couple of older Bostonian ladies. A large selection of all kinds of fabrics, including quilting cottons, but nothing particularly new or current. In fact, I saw calicoes from when my mom started quilting probably more than 20 years ago. On the plus side, it is all quite inexpensive, with the cottons averaging just $4.00 a yard. I did pick up just a bit. Blue and white for a future project in my head. Thomas for a boy who may or may not get a quilt before he grows out of Thomas and a great tie-dye with lots of color variation.
Here's the outside.
I also managed to find my way to Van's Fabrics. I did have a map, but it was pure luck that I happened to find it. The whole building was covered in scaffolding and I just happened to walk past a window and saw fabric hanging from the ceiling. Van's caters to the Asian market. Lots of Brocades and silks for various Asisan sewists. They have both the cheaper brocades made of polyester and also pure silk brocades. I splurged, I bought myself a beautiful silk brocade. Brown background and rainbow/cream butterflies. I bought two yards, and as I discovered, they don't fold the fabric on the bolt - so it will be just enough for a shorter, fitted skirt. Great fall colors.
I didn't take any pictures there, since I felt rather out of my element, and I'm not sure the woman working there would have appreciated it. Should you ever visit Van's, they keep the door locked, and buzz you in. But they were nice and helpful and speak English.

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