Let's start with Tops Waiting to be Basted & Quilted:
This top is 9 years old. I took the class when I was pregnant with E. Its from the Pioneer Sampler quilt book. I do love it. As I recall, I never finished it, because I didn't know how to quilt it with all the different blocks. Maybe it would be a good chance to try FMQ feather circles. What do you think?The Made in Cherry Quilt Along Top.
Next up are tops that are in various stages of being completed:
Ombre Quilt. I've purchased fabric for the borders. Just need to get to it.
This is the little mini I put together at Sewing Day a couple of weeks ago. I have some ideas - but its really not at the top of my list.
Another top that's been around for ages. Started probably 2001. Way before I knew anything about quilting. I'll show you the back sometime :). I just need to fix a couple of things, then it will be on the 'to baste and quilt' list.
This little lighthouse quilt is actually a lot farther along than this, but I can't find it to show you. I've looked in all the places it should be.... Guess I won't be working on it any time soon.
Next are blocks waiting to be pieced into quilt tops:
Some blocks I made over a year ago. Should be a quick project to piece for a wall hanging.100 '30's Barn Raising' Quilt blocks ready to be pieced together. This is probably what I'll be working on this week.
Ah, the blueberry quilt from the David Taylor class. How I would love to get back to that!
Various other projects:
A couple of small hexie projects - with tutorials coming!The 10 year hexagon quilt project. I'm up to 867 Hexies done.
And last, what the heck do I do with these Log Cabin Blocks?
In 2000, I thought I should make an entire quilt by hand. Because that's what quilters do. (hah!) So I cut out lots of strips. And pieced by hand. And now, I have about 50 blocks, that have been in a box for 12 years, because they are ALL DIFFERENT SIZES!!!!! My 1/4" seam allowance wasn't particularly accurate!
So what do I do with these? Take them apart and start over? Sashing? Alternate with plain blocks? Help!
Total WIPS: 13 Seems like both a huge number, and at the same time, somewhat manageable.
Well, now you've seen everything that's been laying around my house, pretty much since I've started quilting. I still love each and every piece. Even those stupid log cabins. When I pull out the various projects, I just want to dive in and work on them.
I have noticed that most quilters seem to be like me - many irons in the fire at once. What about you? One project at a time - or lots?

Rachel--I LOVED this post--so fun to see all that you've been working on and to be reminded of quilts I have seen in a while. I think you should just trim those Log Cabin blocks as close to the same size as possible (you can fudge up to 3/8 inch sometimes) and sew them all together. One of my friends dragged out 20 year-old blocks and sewed them together last year. Some were made by hand (because someone told her only REAL quilters stitched blocks together by hand) and some were made by machine. She loves her quilt now, and she used all the extra strips as a piano key border.
Anyway, fun post!
I've only been quilting for about 3 years but my projects are stacking up as well. REALLY love the ombre quilt - I have envisioned something like this but seeing yours has re-inspired me. Thanks!
You could possibly add sashings to make each of the log cabin blocks the same size and then put them together..
You - um - like having a lot of irons in the fire, don't you? I absolutely love that first quilt! So pretty.
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