Making : my mermaid quilt
Cooking : noodles for lunch
Drinking : 'punch in the face' coffee from Alterra
Reading: Just finished The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
Wanting: new casual shoes for spring/summer
Looking: the younger boys playing cars/trains together (sort of)
Playing: music on my ipod
Wasting: time
Sewing: hemming pants
Wishing: spring would actually come to Wisconsin
Enjoying: a day with no where to go
Waiting: for the boy's bunkbeds to arrive
Liking: that the sun is shining - even if it isn't warm out
Wondering: how little sleep I can really get away with, so I could get more done
Loving: watching my kids grow up (and hating)
Hoping: that I can get the 'have tos' done today so I have time for the 'want tos'
Marvelling: how quickly potty training went this time around, still waiting for something to happen....
Needing: swimsuit lining
Smelling: my conditioner from my still wet hair
Wearing:corduroy's, sweater, slippers
Following: too many blogs
Noticing: that it's time to get out bigger clothes for the 2 yo
Knowing: that it's getting harder to answer these questions
Thinking: of how when WD gets home, it will most certainly get louder in the houseBookmarking: tutorials and recipes
Opening: a box of elbow noodles
Giggling: about the boys dancing together to the Thomas Train theme song
Feeling: hungry!

Yippee! thanks for joining in! I love these things! Have a great day!
We're big fans of Punch In the Face, too. Alterraaaaaaa...mmmmmmmm.
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