
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Quilts and Sewing in Children's Books Part 2

 Today I'll share a couple pictures from the book Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik.  Pictures by Maurice Sendak.  There are actually three shorter stories in this book.  In the first one Little Bear keeps coming in the house for more clothes to be warm while he plays outside.
Mother bear is obviously busy trying to sew her new skirt!
In the second story we see Mother Bear sitting at her sewing machine, although not exactly set up to sew.  I think it is telling that Sendak could have had Mother Bear doing a variety of things in these stories, but for at least two illustrations, she was sewing. 

A reader left me a comment and a link last week when I shared my first installment of this series. 
It is a collection of books with quilts in them and the quilts that were made to accompany the books.  Such a wonderful idea.

 Just a reminder, if I don't respond to your comments you might be a "no-reply blogger".  You can Google it to find out how to fix it.

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