
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hoo Are You?

I haven't linked up with Hoo Are You for ages!  But, as we finish up packing for an Anniversary get-away, and I'm killing some time, I thought I'd join in!

1. What is your favorite craft or type of craft and if you are a crafterhow did you get into it?  My most favorite is probably quilting - but I'm fairly schizo when it comes to which projects I feel like doing.
2. What shows have you been watching this summer?  I don't watch much.  Project Runway just started, so I'll be watching that once a week now.
3. Who does the yard work at your house? My father-in-law does the mowing.  I do most of the gardening.  Trimming rarely gets done.
4. Are you working on any projects inside the home or outside this week?  Nope, leaving for a trip.
5. Do you have to worry about getting ready for back to school?Oh yes.  Full force shopping next week.  One going into 3rd and one into 1st.  They have grown a ton this summer and both need new shoes.


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Comments really make my day! Thanks for taking the time.