
Friday, May 13, 2011

Family Friday

Bet you where all wondering what happened to me.  I was, too.  Blogger ate my post. (and a lot of other people's as well)

So today will be a rehash of what I tried to post yesterday, with a few family pictures thrown in.  It basically comes down to this:  Life is busy.  In The Life of Riley, life is getting busier.  At least for the next couple of weeks.

 We've got a Ballet Recital.
A Kindergarten Graduation
Trying to get the garden in
Family pictures at church
c. 1980
Writing and sewing a tutorial for an upcoming guest blog post. 

And sending out 200+ of these
And so, in sum, I think the posts may be a bit more spaced out.  My goal has always been Mon-Fri, with the weekends off.  I'm not sure what will happen.  Hope you don't mind the slower pace.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Just stopped by to let you know I featured your spot dog sweater friend today on my clothes upcycling post for today:

    upcycling clothes challenge day 17

    Thanks again for linking up!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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