
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Sneak Peek

Kirsty of Kootoyoo is doing a link party of Snoop My Stuff.  A glimpse into our lives! She only did one picture, but since I went ahead and prepped this ahead of time, I have all my book cases!

I will take you on a tour of my bookshelves.  I think what is more telling than what is on them, is how many we have and how full they are!  I didn't dust them or straighten them, so this is how they usually look!

 Built-in bookcase in the living room.  Books, pictures, piggybanks, Lenin, Chanter for bagpipes, and our stereo.

  In the boys room - full of Mr. Riley's books.  Mostly Sci-Fi here. Two or three layers deep!  Stuffed animals on top and other boy toys scattered on top of the books.

 Kid's books in the boy's room.

 Older kid's books in E's room.

 These bookshelves are also crammed in E's room.  They make up a 'wall' for S to have his own sleeping area.  These shelves probably have the greatest variety.  All my sewing books are here, along with a lot of other 'stuff'.
Two more in the living room.  (the bag is full of books from Oma! - Thanks Oma!)  These shelves also have a great variety!  Dickens, Sci-Fi, History, Historical Fiction, Biblical, Cooking, Etiquette,  even some of W's Comic books crammed in the bottom.  Also, pictures, a plate/bowl made by my dad, a couple of chinese soldiers, a light bulb!, and some junk in a candy dish.

That's a lot of book cases, and books, and it doesn't count all the books we still have in boxes.  Including a whole set of Encyclopedias!

Stop by Kirsty's for more snooping.


  1. A home should be overflowing with books in my opinion. Lovely.

  2. I love, LOVE, love books & bookcases.


    I was reading something in the paper yesterday musing about why we keep books we've already read; I'm not sure why except for there is something incredibly comforting about having books around you, having your past around you...

  3. Love books!!!
    How great that your kids are growing up in a house full of books!!!!

  4. I love books too! What a great range you've got.

    Nice to find your blog via Kirsty's today.

  5. Of all the things my kids keep in all their moving around it is the boxes and boxes of books. But! we have bookcases full here and more boxes in the basement and closets so why should this surprise me? Books are to me akin to a fuzzy robe, slippers and a cup of hazelnut coffee. My favorite moments with the grand-kiddos is when we are piled up in the recliner together reading a book. Now, Rachel we all just need a library room in our houses so we can disappear with all that warm fuzzy.

  6. Love that you have sooooo many books in every room!

  7. Books galore. I have so many in boxes too. I was surprised not long ago while browsing in one of the local charity stores when I overheard the owner tell some people who were dropping off items that they would not accept hard cover books!

  8. the more books the better * *


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