
Monday, February 21, 2011

Thank You

First: This bouquet of Tulips is for all of you who have left such nice comments on my blog lately.  I started this blog after reading so many others, and thought to myself "I can do that, too".  I never realized how much fun it would be and how many people I would 'meet', and from around the world, too!  So a big thank you to all of you who stop by regularly to see what I'm up to, here at The Life of Riley.

Second:  I will plan to do another giveaway when I reach 100 followers.  My question to you, would you be interested in more jewelry or maybe one of the felt dahlias?

Third:  When I was looking for tulip pictures, I Googled 'tulip fields'.  If you have the time, you should, too.  Amazing pictures.  Not like the corn and beans here in the US.

And Last:  The weather here is crummy today.  I am sitting here with a hot mug of Earl Grey.  Unfortunately, because of the clouds I can't get any good pictures taken, so you'll all have to sit in suspense to see what I've been working on.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I started to follow your blog because of the felt dahlias!!! I would LOVE the chance to win some!

  2. I've not been blogging as much as I do in the summer because this is the time I have to be outside before it gets too hot - in the summer I can't bear it and keep pretty much inside with the AC running day and night - got my first sunburn yesterday! Oh, boy! It's starting early!

    Enjoy your week - I love tulips! In fact, all spring flowers are lovely!


Comments really make my day! Thanks for taking the time.