
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed In

We won't be going anywhere today!
The back of the house

Along the new garage and front of house

Our house

Check out the roof!

You can see the barn in the background.  4-5 ft drifts out there!

Yep.  Definitely NOT going anywhere today.
How about you?


  1. Rachel,

    It is beautiful in the snow!

    We just had a 14" snow storm. It is the end of the world in the KC area. Kid's wont see school for 3 or 4 days. They plowed one strip down our street - with the city's pick up truck, in case of emergency.

    Hope you guys are going well. All good with Wratney's.

    Don Wratney

  2. What a lovely marshmallow home you have ;-) I'm envious!


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