
Saturday, February 19, 2011

More Awards!

Today is the last chance to enter my giveaway.  Good luck!

Carol, from Facing 50 With Humour has very graciously given me the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award. 

How sweet is that?
You absolutely must check out her blog.  A few reasons why.
1.  She's British.
2.  British people are funny.  They use great phrases like, 'chuffed to bits'.
3.  Her blog has caused me to laugh out loud - causing concern in my children.
4.  Her blog has also made me cry.
5.  She is a very nice blog friend to have.

So, for me to accept this award, I have to tell you 4 guilty pleasures that I have.  I think I'll refer to them as 'indulgences'

1. Chocolate. (of course!)  My latest find and current favorite is Lindt Intense Orange.  Dark chocolate with orange and almond bits, yum.  It is also Cadbury Creme Egg season.  Hurrah!
2. Naps.  They are few and far between these days.  But absolutely lovely when I can get one.
3. Starbucks Mocha.  I know many people go every day for their Starbucks fix.  I have a really hard time justifying spending that kind of money on coffee, so when I do I feel a little guilty - but it's good.  Therefore, a guilty pleasure.
4. Carol mentioned this, too, but its Blogging.  It is so much fun to read all the blogs out there.  I am very small potatoes compared to the many amazing blogs in blog land.  It is also (usually) fun to do this blog.  Your comments are the best to read.  They give me that bit of feedback that I really appreciate.

Now to pass on this award.  It goes to...Mindy at In the Loop.  A great and talented blogger and good friend!

One more award to deal with, my friend Mary - The Epic Adventures of Skarymop & Co sent me the stylish blogger award.  Go check out her blog.  She is a great mom of 3 boys, and a great cook.  Mary has a wonderful way with words!


  1. Congratulations to you for your glad Mindy is getting one too..she is great!

  2. Aww, thank you so much for the shout-out! Blogging has been great fun, hasn't it?? :)

  3. Wow! Thanks! You are all so sweet!

  4. Congrats Rachael. What you say about Facing 50 is absolutely true.

    She introduced me to your blog. Nice visiting here from India.

  5. Oh thank you Rachel (and Amrita above). Thank you for being so nice about me. I'm totally 'chuffed' now. I'm going to visit the person you have passed it on to and I just wanted to add that I knew I had chosen the right recipient for this with great taste -Lindt chocolate Orange Intense -mmmmmm


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