
Friday, January 21, 2011

Recipe Day - Zesty Beef Stew

It is cold here.  Really Cold.  Bitterly Cold.  Even maybe Dangerously Cold.  -8.9F on the thermometer this morning. With Wind. So here is a yummy recipe to keep you all warm.

Zesty Beef Stew
(by zesty I don't mean spicy, just some zing and lots of flavor)
1 to 2 lbs stew meat
1 medium onion, chopped
2 TBS oil
2 TBS catsup
2 TBS currant jelly (any red jelly/jam will work)
2 TBS Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup flour
1 1/2 cups beef broth
1 cup red wine
2 medium potatoes
1 cup sliced carrot

Cut meat into 1 inch pieces.  Set aside.  In Dutch Oven, or big pot, cook and stir onion in oil over medium heat until tender.  Add catsup, jelly, Worcestershire sauce, and salt.  Stir to melt jelly.  Blend in flour.  Add meat, broth,, and wine; stir well.  Cover and simmer until meat is almost tender, 1 to 1 1/2 hours.  Peel potatoes and cut into 1-inch chunks.  Add potatoes and carrots to stew.  Cook 40 minutes longer.  Serve with crusty bread or warm rolls. an Illinois born girl transplanted to Wisconsin...Let me say:

Go, Pack, Go!



  1. You are hilarious. The stew looks excellent- I think I'll give it a try soon! Oh, and I will be accepting by blog award soon. Really, I will. Life has been...eventful, to say the least. :) I miss church!!

  2. You can come and cook at my house any day of the week! Just looking at this makes me warm!

    Thanks for the nice words on my blog, I appreciate them! :)

  3. I'm your newest follower #35!
    Love your photographs.
    Visiting from the blog hop. So nice to meet you. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  4. Hi Rachel just found you through Clara's chrochetroom and decided to become a follower.. I really like your ideas especially the cat bed and your recipes look yummy..... congrats on winning her giveaway.. see ya soon.Hugs from South Texas..Birgit


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