
Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekend Review

Did you all have a good weekend?  We did here.  The predicted blizzard went north of us, so we didn't miss out on any of our plans.  I confess that I am disappointed that we didn't get the 2 feet of snow, but the weekend was great fun!

Friday, we picked the kids up from school and headed out to the Christmas Tree farm to get our tree.

We never get small trees. 

Saturday, Mr. Riley and I were able to go out with other adults for dinner and a concert of Early Music by Lionheart.   (We don't get out much by ouselves, now that we have four kids that need watching)

Sunday was packed.  First we went to church where Ellie and Will sang.

Does anyone recognize the flower in Ellie's hair?

Then we rushed home to pick up my Sister-in-law and niece and we went out to see the Nutcracker Ballet and have dinner.  Such fun with such pretty girls.
And then after the kids went to bed I got the tree decorated.
I still need to get the angel on the top, and the kids will add their ornaments this afternoon.  I'm thinking I need a bigger tree skirt to match our giant sized Christmas Tree.  Probably not going to happen this year.

How was your weekend?  Shopping? Decorating? Snowed in?
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Rachel. I came to say thank you for your really nice comment on my post today and stopped dead looking at all these beautiful photos. There is one there that reminded me of my son when he was younger. Ah how time flies. I adore your tree. (pause while I wipe a tear and sniff)Pity the Grinch (alias Hubby)won't let us have one this year...or any presents...or any fun...still there's always a nice bottle of red wine to look forward to. Enjoy Christams with your lovely family. It will be superb.

  2. Darn...sniffed so much I couldn't type properly...Christmas not Christams...still at least I spelt it with a capital letter :)

  3. Ah! Love the pictures! Fun times--hope you're staying warm.


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